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| Composite Document File V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 4.10, MSI Installer, Create Time/Date: Tue Mar 27 14:03:46 2001, Code page: 0, Title: Personal SQL Version 2.0, Subject: Personal SQL, Author: Azril Studio, Keywords: Database, ODBC, SQL, Comments: Personal SQL 2.0 is a database development tools for beginner and advance users. PSQL is multi purpose SQL tools to help users to learn SQL and also to manipulate any database format., Revision Number: {71AE3C62-21E1-11D5-8A81-00B0D014DFF9}, Number of Pages: 110, Name of Creating Application: Microsoft Installer, Security: 0, Template: Intel;0, Number of Words: 2, Last Saved Time/Date: Tue Mar 27 14:04:08 2001
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